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Learning at Home

Remote Learning at Holbrook

All pupils should attend school, in line with our attendance policy. We will consider providing remote education to pupils in circumstances when in-person attendance is either not possible or contrary to government guidance. This might include occasions when we decide that opening our school is either:

  • Not possible to do safely e.g storms, snow 
  • Contradictory to guidance from local or central government

Occasions when individual pupils, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend school but are able to continue learning, for example because they have an infectious illness. This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’ found here.

If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children and if necessary provide paper packs of learning. Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (eg, laptops) and/or 4G connections will be sought, particularly for disadvantaged children. Parents will be reminded to make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning.


Class teachers will provide two core activities each day; English (either Writing or Spelling based on planning in school, Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize) and Maths (based on the White Rose materials). In addition to this, there will be a foundation subject and children will also be expected to complete reading and number work activities. The school will make a courtesy call to parents after day three to check in to see if further support is required.

The daily timetable may include the following;





Using White Rose maths, children will complete a session which includes a video and subsequent questions. 

TT Rockstars and Numbots will help children practise their times tables and number bonds  


Children are to read from their own reading book or download and read a free e-book from Oxford Owls. 

Writing incl. Spelling/Phonics 

Using Talk4Writing materials the children will have the opportunity to practise their writing skills. 

Spelling Shed can help children practise their year group spellings. 

Foundation subjects  

BBC Bitesize and the Oak Academy contain many foundation subject lessons.  

Oak National Academy

The ‘teaching content’ will be provided to children through age appropriate video content from Oak National Academy. A practising teacher, with a pre-recorded video, delivers the sessions. It is all easy to use, there is no login or password, and you can access the lessons on any device.

Providing feedback

Pupils or their parents can send any completed work/photographs to teachers via Seesaw. Work will receive an acknowledgement from a teacher or other school staff. This will not aim to replicate feedback on strengths and development in learning that parents might expect when the school is open normally.

Contact with pupils/ parents

Please contact the class teacher in the first instance if there is a concern about a pupil’s learning. Parents are able to contact the school via telephone, the school office and class email addresses. Where a pupil is self-isolating for a significant period of time, contact will be made via telephone on a weekly basis to monitor learning and provide support if needed. The Assistant Headteacher will contact families with vulnerable pupils on a weekly basis and offer support as necessary.

For more information, please see our remote learning policy here.

Non-screen activities you can do at home

There are lots of things you can do.

These are just a few suggestions.

Many of them can be recorded on Seesaw!

Get reading!

What would you most like to learn about?

Can you find out more about it in books?

Can you find a new hobby?

Read out loud to someone

Remember to read with expression.

Can you create your own secret code?

You could use letters, numbers, pictures of something else?

Can you get someone else to try and crack it?

Get building!

You could build a Lego model, a tower of playing cards

or something else.

List making

Write a list of things that make you happy, are grateful for

or you are good at. 

Can you invent something new?

Perhaps a gadget or something to help people. 

Draw a picture and write a description.

Write a script

Can you perform it? 



Can you write and illustrate the recipe for someone else to try?

Design a board game

Can you teach it to someone?

It’s important to keep exercising. 

Try star jumps, lunges, stretches, running, hopping, jumping on the spot or outside if you have an outdoor space.

Don't forget PE with Joe