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Absence during Term Time

What to do if my child is ill

If your child is unwell and not able to attend school, please do contact the school office on 01403 272500 and leave a message on the absence line. It is important that the office know due to registers and if we have not heard from you, we will call home. 

Please see guidance below, about NHS guidelines regarding illness and time off school.

Holbrook Primary School:-

  • wants to provide an outstanding education to all its pupils
  • wants to maintain a whole school attendance rate of 97% or above.

This infographic illustrates the impact of absence on attendance.

Guidance for leave of absence in exceptional circumstances

A reminder that absence from school can only be authorised for exceptional circumstances e.g medical appointments, family bereavements, exams etc.  There is no legal entitlement to holidays during term time and these will automatically be classed as unauthorised.

Parents/carers must state why they consider it essential for them to take their child out of school, as absence from learning has been proven to adversely impact upon a pupil’s academic progress. 

In line with the Code of Conduct for West Sussex, a child who accrues 10 unauthorised absences (equivalent to 5 days) in a 10 school week period is referred to the Local Authority, who will issue a Fixed Penalty Notice to parents. 

Genuine illness will be authorised although the school reserves the right to ask for confirmation from a medical professional if a pupil’s absences are above the amount expected for a usually healthy child.

Please read this form carefully before completing the request here.

Please submit this form at least 5 days prior to the desired period of absence.

You will be informed by email whether you request has been authorised or not.