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The School Day and Term Times

The school is open to Key Stage 2 children from 8:35am - 3:10pm, which equates to 32 hours and 55 minutes.

Reception and Key Stage 1 children finish at 3:00pm to ensure that parents with siblings in different year groups can pick up their children.  It also reduces congestion in and around the school.  This equates to 32 hours and 5 minutes.


The school grounds are open from 8:30am for parents and children to start arriving. The children enter the school building from 8:35am to start their morning learning activity. Gates are locked at 8:45am, when class registers are taken. Morning registration takes place between 8:35am - 8:45am.  Registration closes at 9:00a.m.

Children who arrive after 8:45am, will need to go to the school office, with their parent, to sign in.


Assemblies take place daily. Current law requires all state-funded schools to hold daily acts of ‘Collective Worship’, ‘mainly of a broadly Christian character’. At Holbrook, these will include elements drawn from a number of different faiths, moral teaching based on our seven values, singing, celebrations of achievements and assemblies with a PSHE focus.

Each Friday, during our whole-school celebration assembly, the grand total for House Points is announced along with celebrating the achievements at school that week.


The children have opportunities for free play during the school day. Our morning break is at 10.15am for Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2) and Years 3 and 4, 10.30am for Years 5 and 6. The children have another break at lunchtime and KS1 have an afternoon break if needed.

Children in Reception and KS1 are provided with a free piece of fruit or vegetable through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS). Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring their own healthy snack from home.

We have excellent play facilities and beautiful grounds for the children to explore including an adventure trail. Our Play Leaders organise games to play, using a range of equipment provided.


Lunchtime is organised into staggered sittings from 11:45am to 12.45pm. The children eat their lunch in the School Hall, supervised by our team of Midday Meals Supervisors. Many of our children eat a hot lunch provided by Chartwells. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be entitled to a free hot lunch. Please ask at the School Office for information about how to book a hot lunch for your child.

Children have an hour to eat their lunch and play outside. Our dedicated Play Leaders facilitate a range of different activities designed to encourage active play, teamwork and co-operation.


Children leave their class in time for collection. The children collect their belongings, leaving their classroom and cloakroom tidy, and then leave the building with their teacher. We encourage children to remember their own belongings in order to develop independence and responsibility.

The school gates are opened just before then so that parents can collect their children from the playground. Parents need to inform the School Office (by email or telephone) before 2:30pm if someone else is collecting their child.

Children in Years 5 and 6 may walk to and from school by themselves with parental permission. Please contact the School Office via email if this is the case.

To make sure that we keep everyone safe at the beginning and end of the school day and that everyone is accounted for, please ensure that any children in your care do not use the play equipment - including the adventure trail - at this time. Many thanks for your support and cooperation.




Autumn Term 

Starts: Monday 2nd September

Half term: Monday 28th October –Friday 1st November

Ends:  Friday 20th December

INSET DAYS-Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd September and Friday 25th October 2024
Christmas break Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January 2024
Spring Term

Starts: Monday 6th January 2025

Half term: Monday 17th February- Friday 21st February

    Ends:  Friday 4th April

INSET DAY - Monday 24th February 2025
Easter break Monday 7th April to Monday 21st April 2025
Summer Term

Starts: Tuesday 22nd April

Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May

Half term: Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May

Ends: Tuesday 22nd July

INSET DAY: Friday 23rd May 2025