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Meet the Governors

As a Governing Body we are very proud of our children and the school community and we would like to thank all parents and staff for the support and encouragement they give.  For children, this support nurtures key social and creative skills especially in the early years and helps build confidence and self-esteem. Parent interest and support in promoting the school is invaluable and ensures Holbrook has a strong partnership with the local community.

Our role as Governors is to make sure that objectives are met and that planning for the future is both aspirational and realistic. We are here to support and encourage the Headteacher, Senior Leadership team and teaching staff as a ‘critical friend’ to maintain our commitment to achieving the highest standards of education.

 We also review policies which allow us to demonstrate that as a school we are forward thinking and committed to supporting your child’s achievements.

We are passionate about ensuring our children receive the best possible education available during the year ahead. Governors can be contacted via the clerk:

Shirley Gardner
Chair of Governors